YouTube動画で生きた英語を学ぼう! #1

こんにちは。サンです。今回はMichelle ChoiのVlogで使える英語を触れていきましょう!
- Drive somebody nuts
- I spent the first two days putting everything away, because that’s literally gonna drive me nuts.
- 相手をイライラとさせる
- My priorities have shifted
- Two years ago, I wanted to be in the center of it all or it’s super busy, but now my priorities, my preferences have shifted.
- 優先順位が変わった
- Tuck away (phrv.)
- I love being a little bit tucked away, something more quite, a little secluded.
- 隠れる
- Secluded (adj.)
- I love being a little bit tucked away, something more quite, a little secluded.
- 人里離れた
- Drenched (adj.)
- Even if I’m not doing any physical activity, I’m just on my computer working. I’m literally drenched.
- びしょ濡れ
- Deodorant (n.)
- I have been using men’s deodorant and this is literally heavy-duty stuff, ’48-hour odor protection’
- 体臭防止剤
- TMI=To much information (slang)
- That is my TMI of the day. I use men’s deodorant, men’s razor. I just need the heavy-duty stuff for real.
- 余計な情報
- Hands down (idm.)
- You don’t know kimchi and sweet potato is hands down the best combo.
- 断然
- Stock up (phrv.)
- I am trying to have food stocked up on my fridge at all times so I don’t order delivery food as much.
- 買いだめする
- Contemplate (v.)
- I’m contemplating whether or not I should do an apartment tour.
- 熟考する
- Compartmentalize (v.)
- Over the past few years of doing content, I really found it important to learn how to compartmentalize life and work.
- 区分けする
- Homebody (n.)
- I am a homebody. I love being home. This is where I thrive and recharge.
- 家で過ごすことが好きな人
