YouTube動画で生きた英語を学ぼう! #3

こんにちは。サンです。今回はJenn Imの動画で使える英語を触れていきましょう!
- Unknowingly (adv.)
- I unknowingly began my longest and most rewarding career journey.
- 無意識のうちに
- Neurosis (n.)
- I removed all the parts that I didn’t like about myself, my anxiety, my neurosis, my meltdowns.
- 神経症、ノイローゼ
- Meltdown (n.)
- I removed all the parts that I didn’t like about myself, my anxiety, my neurosis, my meltdowns.
- 精神的に崩壊すること
- Get to the point (collocation)
- 要点を言う
- Showcase (v.)
- Pretty much every social media personality creates a more refined version of themselves online to showcase their brand.
- 見せる、示す
- Mirage (n.)
- It’s a carefully crafted mirage of what they see as “perfect” at the time of upload.
- 蜃気楼
- Size up (phrv.)
- I think subconsciously we are sizing ourselves up to what we see.
- 評価する、品定めする
- Pernicious (adj.)
- The most pernicious way it distorts our sense of self is when you start to comparing your real life you to the dazzling digital you.
- 有害な、悪質な
- Tweak (v.)
- These days there are so many different filters that tweak the way you look.
- ひねる
- Live up to (phrv.)
- When you feel like you’re not living up to that online version of yourself, things get really dark.
- 期待等に沿う
