YouTube動画で生きた英語を学ぼう! #4

こんにちは。サンです。今回はJen Immの動画で使える英語を触れていきましょう!
- Commenter (n.)
- After 13 years of reading comments about myself online has created this huge database in my head to predict what a commenter might say.
- コメント投稿者
- Inflate (v.)
- On a good day, my devoted audience will say, ‘You’re doing such a great job’, but on my bad days, they shame me. I think both are toxic because it inflates your self-importance.
- (感情を)あおる
- Self-importance (n.)
- On a good day, my devoted audience will say, ‘You’re doing such a great job’, but on my bad days, they shame me. I think both are toxic because it inflates your self-importance.
- 尊大さ、自信
- Revolve around (phrv.)
- It makes you think that the world is revolving around you.
- ~を中心に周る、展開する
- Sheer (adj.)
- It’s too much data. It’s too many opinions about us. And our brains can’t compute the sheer volume of information that’s coming online.
- 莫大な
- Tabloid (n.)
- There’s a reason why when celebrities read about themselves in the tabloids too often, they self-destruct.
- 大衆紙、タブロイド新聞
- Hone in on (phrv.)
- If anything, we just hone in on the negative ones and those are the ones that just stay with us for days or even months.
- ~に焦点を合わせる
- Wear on (phrv.)
- That constant feeling of being ‘on’ can definitely wear on you.
- イライラとさせる
- Designate (v.)
- To designate specific days on where I choose to vlog.
- 指定する
- Compartmentalize (v.)
- This is just helped me compartmentalize my life and my work.
- 区分けする
- Quiet (v.)
- I think I’ll always love observing the beauty in life and sharing it, but it took me a few years to quiet that pain of pressure to capture everything that feels beautiful.
- 和らげる、静める
- Democratize (v.)
- The camera phone has democratized photography.
- 大衆化する
